Sora is a reading and listening app through which students can access thousands of ebooks and audiobooks in Prairie Land Regional Division No.25’s collection. Students can read or listen to these books using a Chromebook, desktop computer, or personal mobile device.
Go to using a web browser on any computer or device. If you are using an Android or Apple mobile device you can also download the Sora app from your device’s app store:
If the Prairie Land Regional Division No.25 Sora sign-in page does not immediately come up, scroll through the list of school divisions and click on Prairie Land Regional Division No.25.
Enter the username which is your first name.last name and password that you use to log in to school computers.
4. Tap on the Explore tab to search for and borrow a book. Your book will open so you can start reading or listening right
You can borrow a book for 14 days. You can borrow up to 3 books at a time. You can place holds on books that are checked out.
Close the book and go to your Shelf to see all your borrowed books and holds. From there, you can:
Tap Open Book or Open Audiobook to read or listen to a book.
Tap Options to renew or return the book, get to your notes and highlights, and more.